Enfamil A.R 400g Powder


Enfamil A.R Powder 400g


Enfamil A.R. is suitable for babies from birth on when not breastfed. Enfamil A.R. is for the salutary operation of regurgitation or sticking up and can be used as a sole source of aliment up to 6 months of age and as the base of diversified diet for aged babies. Enfamil A.R. is a nutritionally complete, pre-thickened formula containing a unique rice bounce thickener that's thin in the bottle and thickens in the stomach

Warnings It's a salutary supplement, not organic milk. Pre-thickened formula to obviates regurgitation and sticking up in babies. Buy stylish imported quality anti-regurgitation baby salutary supplement for babies that's suitable from birth( 0 months). It contains all healthy nutritional factors, including vitamins, minerals which help in baby growth, and brain development.

One of the following certified drugstore from the nearest position will deliver Enfamil A.R 400g Pre thickened Formula. The details of the certified drugstore shall be participated once you request the medicines and the separate drugstore accepts your request grounded on valid tradition and vacuity.

Bone feeding is stylish for babies and is preferred whenever possible.
Enfamil A child formula contains expert recommended situations of DHA a natural element of bone milk and a prominent Omega- 3 fat in the child brain.
Doctor recommended Enfamil A

Product Name

Enfamil AR Powder 400g

Product Form


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Generic Category


Marketed By

Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan Ltd


  • Skim milk
  • Vegetable canvases
  • Rice bounce
  • Lactose
  • Glucose saccharinity
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Emulsifier( soy lecithin)
  • Ferrous sulfate
  • Potassium chloride
  • D- Biotin
  • Riboflavin
  • Cholecalciferol
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Nicainamide
  • Re tiny l palmitate
  • Pantothenate
  • Cupric sulfate
  • Vitamin A, D, E, K, C, B6, B12
  • Folic acid
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Bobby
  • Magnesium
  • Iodine

Enfamil A.R Powder 400g Side goods

Enfamil A.R Powder 400g. is a brand of child formula designed to reduce spit- up in babies. It contains added rice bounce to cake the formula, making it heavier and less likely to be regurgitated. While Enfamil A.R. is generally considered safe for utmost babies, there can be implicit side goods or issues to be apprehensive of. It's important to note that individual responses can vary, and consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.

Possible side goods of Enfamil A.R. may include

Constipation The added rice bounce can occasionally beget constipation in some babies. However, consult with your healthcare provider, If you notice your baby having difficulty passing droppings or if the droppings come hard.

Gassiness or Discomfort Some babies may witness increased gas or discomfort when using formula with added rice bounce. This can vary from one baby to another.

Antipathetic responses While child formulas are generally made to be hypoallergenic, there's still a possibility of antipathetic responses in some babies. Watch for signs similar as rash, hives, or difficulty breathing, and seek medical attention if you suspect an mislike.

Digestive Issues The thickened thickness of EnfamilA.R. may not be suitable for all babies. Some babies may have difficulty digesting the formula, leading to finickiness or digestive discomfort.

Weight Gain Due to the added rice bounce, the formula might be further calorie- thick. It's essential to cover your baby's weight gain to insure it's within a healthy range.

Crucial Benefits

  • It's for the salutary operation of regurgitation or sticking up.
  • It can be used as a sole source of aliment for over to 6 months of age.
  • It's nutritionally complete and pre- thickened formula containing a unique rice bounce thickener that's thin in the bottle and thickens in the stomach. - Consists a mix of prebiotics for digestive health.
  • Enfamil A.R. contains a unique mix of omega 3( DHA) and omega 6( ARA) adipose acids. These adipose acids are naturally set up in bone milk.
  • DHA at the position present in EnfamilA.R.( at least0.3 of total adipose acids) has been clinically proven and is officially honored that it contributes to normal visual development of the child with an input of 100 mg of DHA/ day. It's also known for playing a structural and functional part in brain development.

Safety Information/ preventives

Only prepare one feed at a time, discard the unused medication.
Consult your croaker before giving Enfamil A.R to your child, especially if your child has any kind of mislike to Enfamil A.R or its ingredients.
Don't dissolve Enfamil A.R in any other liquid other than clean water.
Use the specified quantum of Enfamil A.R only Don't overdose or lessen the volume without consulting your croaker .
Enfamil A.R must be used under medical supervision.
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